Benazir Kafalat Child Payments
Benazir Kafalat Child Payments If you are a beneficiary of the Benazir Kafalat Program and your children receive education stipends, this is an important update you must not ignore. The Benazir Income Support Program has issued a final notice to parents who have recently changed their children’s schools. To ensure your child’s monthly stipend continues without interruption, it is necessary to reconfirm your child’s school enrollment before June 30.
Many families depend on these stipends to support their children’s education. To avoid payment issues, keep reading to understand the full process of reconfirmation and why this step is now mandatory.
بےنظیر کفالت مستحقین کےلیے ضروری اطلاع
ایسی تمام خواتین جن کے بچے گورنمنٹ/پرائیوٹ اسکولز/کالجز میں پڑھ رہے ہیں اور باقاعدہ وظیفہ بھی لےرہے ہیں یہ ضروری پیغام انکے لیے ہے۔جیساکہ آپ لوگ جانتے ہیں ہر سال مارچ میں بچوں کے سالانہ امتحانات ہوتے ہیں اور بچے پاس ہوکر اپریل میں اگلی کلاسوں میں چلے جاتے ہیں۔کچھ والدین اپنے بچوں کے اسکول تبدیل کروالیتے ہیں۔
ایسے والدین سے گزارش ہے اگر مارچ کے بعد آپ نے اپنے کسی بچے کا کسی بھی وجہ سے اسکول تبدیل کروانا ہے تو اس بچے کی نئے سکول سے دوبارہ تصدیقی سلپ بنواکر قریبی بےنظیر دفتر میں لازمی جمع کروائیں تاکہ آپکے بچے کا وظیفہ جاری رہ سکے۔
نئے اسکول سے تصدیق شدہ سلپ اور ب فارم دوبارہ جمع کروانا ضروری ہے ورنہ آپکے بچہ کا وظیفہ روک دیا جائے گا۔دوبارہ تصدیقی سلپ جمع کروانے کی آخری تاریخ 30 جون ہے۔
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Why Do You Need to Reconfirm School Enrollment?
Every year in March, children take their annual exams. After passing, they are promoted to the next class in April. During this period, many parents decide to move their children to new schools for better education or other reasons.
However, when a child switches schools, their updated school records are not automatically shared with the Benazir Kafalat Program. If your child’s school information is outdated, the system cannot verify their enrollment. As a result, your child’s stipend may stop. To avoid this problem, you must provide proof of enrollment from the new school through a reconfirmation process.
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Who Must Reconfirm?
- Parents who receive Benazir Kafalat stipends for their school-going children.
- Families whose children have changed schools (government or private) after the annual exams.
- Parents of children who have promoted to a new class after March and joined a different school.
If your child is in the same school and class, you do not need to reconfirm. This process only applies if your child has shifted to a new school.

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Required Documents for Reconfirmation
To complete the reconfirmation, you will need to submit:
- Reconfirmation slip from your child’s new school (this confirms their current enrollment).
- Your child’s valid B-Form Bay Form
- Parent’s original CNIC for identification during the submission.
Make sure these documents are clear, valid, and updated to prevent any delay in the verification process.
How to Submit Your Reconfirmation
The submission process is simple and must be done in person:
- Visit your nearest Benazir Income Support Program office.
- Go to the designated verification counter.
- Submit the required documents.
- Confirm with the staff that your documents are received and accepted.
It’s best to keep a photocopy of your documents and ask for a submission receipt if available as proof.
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What Will Happen If You Do Not Reconfirm?
- If you do not submit the reconfirmation slip by June 30, your child’s stipend will be stopped.
- Payments may take time to restart even after late submission.
- In some cases, your child may be removed from the stipend list if verification is not updated on time.
- To avoid these problems, it’s better to complete the process as soon as possible.
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Deadline for Submission
Last Date: June 30
There will be no extension of this deadline. After June 30, those who haven’t submitted the reconfirmation documents will face suspension of payments.
Important Tips for Parents
- Change of school? Update records immediately.
- Keep copies of every document you submit.
- Always check SMS alerts from 8171 or BISP regarding your payment status.
- Visit only the official BISP offices and do not pay any fees for submission—this is a free service.
Contact for Help
For any problems or questions:
BISP Helpline: Contact the official number provided on the BISP website.
Website: Visit for updates, office locations, and official notices.
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The Benazir Kafalat Program is a lifeline for thousands of families, providing financial support so that children can continue their education without stress. If your child has changed schools, reconfirming their enrollment is simple but essential. Protect your payments. Keep your child’s records updated. Submit your school reconfirmation slip and B-Form before June 30 and ensure your child’s stipend continues without interruption.
Want to receive Benazir Kafalat Program payment? If your information verification process is incomplete, follow the steps given to complete the information verification process. Women who have not been eligible for the Kafalat Program
Or women whose children’s money has been stopped, then these children will have to get the money again. If you complete your verification process, you will get the payment sitting at home. Follow the easy steps that are told to you here to complete the payment verification process.
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What is the last date to submit the school reconfirmation slip?
The last date to submit the reconfirmation slip is June 30. After this, stipends may be stopped.
Who needs to submit the school reconfirmation slip?
Parents whose children have changed schools after the annual exams must submit the slip.
What documents are required for reconfirmation?
You need your child’s new school slip, B-Form, and your original CNIC.
Where should I submit the school reconfirmation documents?
Submit your documents at the nearest Benazir Income Support Program office.
Will my child’s stipend stop if I don’t reconfirm?
Yes, without reconfirmation, your child’s stipend will be stopped after June 30.
Do I need to reconfirm if my child is still in the same school?
No, reconfirmation is only required if your child has moved to a new school.